Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are you ready for some football.......

Ashley is.......

Last year she was a Bucs fan.... This year it is about Dada's Philadelphia Eagles...

Ashley is 15 Month's

Ashley is growing like a weed. We took her for her check up and the doctor said she is 29 lbs and 3 oz. She has grown 2" in the last three months putting her at 33". She is topping the charts at 99% in height and 97% in weight.

We are supposed to come off the bottle completely now and we can reduce the milk to 2% and only 12-16oz a day.

Said she looks great! We still need to work on getting her talking.......I know my kid.... not talking .... how could that be possible...LOL!!!!

Here are some pictures we took today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Family Trip


Our trip was great. We did have a hick-up on our way buy once we got there it was nonstop fun. I was really excited to see the girls play together. They both are a little to young to really play together but they seemed to enjoy each other. Leslie was great with Ashley and gave her a ton of clothes and new sippy cups... Thank you Aunt Leslie.

While we were there we went to the beach on Saturday and Sunday. Ashley and Katie had fun playing in the water. Katie is a true daredevil. Katie was running int the waves and dunking herself in the water. You go Katie!!!! Ashley had fun in the waves with Grammy. The boys had fun with Rick and Mark riding the waves.

We had a really nice dinner on Saturday night at the country club. Grammy and Papa had a special room reserved which worked out well. The kids got to walk around and play. Kyle and Ryan had fun negotiating babysitting fees. Sunday night Uncle Rick had to leave so he could go to work. It was great seeing Rick he looks great and was wonderful with Ashley.

On Monday Leslie had to leave to get back home. We took the kids to the Seaside pool. They had so much fun. It was great having everyone together.

Ashley also got to take a big girl bath. Until this trip we always kept Ashley in a bather chair and let the water run. Grammy taught me how to give a deep water (2" water) tub bath to Ashley. She had so much fun splashing.

We had a nice dinner on Monday and just hung out on Tuesday morning before our flight home.

Grammy had a couple of glasses made for Leslie and I. They are so cute. I loved it!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Trip to See Grammy & PaPa

We went up for the summer trip to see Grammy, PaPa, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Rick, Kyle, Ryan and Katie....What a fun packed weekend.

Here are some pictures from the beach and Seaside pool.

First Flight

We took our first trip with Ashley on an airplane last week to North Carolina. What an event......
This first leg of the flight was great. She did so good. She even had a diaper change on a jump seat. We landed and then got stuck on the plane for about 45 minutes waiting for a gate and some weather. We missed the connection, but found out that the flight had been cancelled anyway. We were put on the next flight out....Well... that got cancelled....thank goodness for Leslie & Rick. They came and got us. They brought their car with a car seat and we ("tried") following them to Grammy and PaPa's house. A 4 hour road trip.

The return went perfect. Te flights were all on time and Ashley was perfect on them. We planned a meal on the 2 hour flight to keep her busy. This was the best idea.

Her favorite part of the plane is the sun shades. She wanted them down and would giggle and played for 30 minutes putting them up and down. She also loved the puppet mommy made out of the air sickness bag..... Yuck..... but it kept her occupied.