Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy 1st Father's Day

Daddy was greeted with a nice breakfast that mommy made, he also got a great big cookie cake and a balloon with candy. I gave him his 1st father's day card and I spent the day hanging out with him on the couch watching TV. I know I just met him and I may be a bit bias but HE IS THE BEST DADDY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD......

Dress me up......

Mommy thinks it fun to dress me up .......

OUCH............ My 1st Shot.......

OUCH.... I was not very happy when mommy and daddy took me to the doctor last week. I had to get my very first shot. I was soooo good I weighed 9 lbs and my jaundice is completely gone. I was so calm with my doctor then that lady came in with that big needle and she shot me in the leg. OOOOOhhhh I did not like that at all.

Palm Beach watch out I can wear my Bikini now.....

June 16th was a big day for me. My umbilical cord fell off. I can now show off my cute bellybutton. Here it is.......

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl

Daddy is learning a lot. He is great at holding me after I am finished eating. I love sitting on his lap and watching TV. I am learning a lot about racing and sports since all he watches is SPEED and ESPN.

Introducing my Mommy & Daddy

Here is my Mommy and Daddy.......
They can not stop looking at me....
I love them sooooo much..... They love me sooooo much....

Grammy and Papa came to visit and spoil me.....

Grammy and Papa came down to visit me for a week. They were so much fun. When my mommy was gone Grammy was right there to take care of me. Papa liked walking by me and making me smile.

They both helped mommy and daddy while they were here. Mommy is new to this whole baby thing and Grammy has been doing this for a few years now taking care of my cousins Kyle and Ryan. Grammy has the tricks of the trade that my Aunt Leslie has learned over the past few years. Papa and daddy spent some time in the garage. From what I hear there is a beast in the garage that daddy likes driving.....

My First Doctor's Visit

On June 1,2010 I made my first big outing to see my doctor. Mommy and Daddy did a great job taking me there.

I got to meet everyone in the office. I met my Nurse Practitioner Black. She was nice to me even though I was scared and cried a little. They poked and probed me. My temperature was good although I like it taken under the arm better. I weighed 8 lbs 2 oz. I lost 3 oz from my original birth weight. I did grow 1/2" long and my head also grew 1/2".

Here are some pics of my visit.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Well it has been almost 3 months since you passed. You should be settled in up there in heaven. I know you are taking good care of us down here.

You now have a beautiful granddaughter. I am positive that you already know her and that you will be helping her get through these next few months.

We are thinking of you on this day and will be remembering everything wonderful about you............

We love and miss you sooooooo much.


Stacy, Mark and your granddaughter Ashley Rayne

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thanks Grandma......

Mom, thank you so much for coming over to spend some time with me before Ashley was born.....You helped me get things done and were a huge support....

We all love you..................

Look How Cute I am..... Fresh & Clean after my first bath....

Fresh and clean and ready to take on the world........

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ashley Rayne McCabe is here......

My beautiful baby girl Ashley Rayne arrived here on May 28, 2010 at 8:19 PM. She weighed 8.48 lbs and was 21.5 inches long.

We all teased that she was her fathers daughter by being late. On May 27th Grandma Pat's birthday we went to the doctor's to see when we were going to have baby McCabe. Dr. Falzone scheduled me to go in to the hospital that afternoon. We went in at 4 and started on cervigel to soften the cervix. At 6 am my cervix as completely soft and we were ready for the potocin to start the dilation process. At 7:30 AM Dr. Falzone came in and broke my water. That is when all the fun started. From 9 Am until 11 AM things got rough. I was in so much pain. At 1:30 I was 4 cm and they started the epidural. Unfortunately it did not take the first time, they adjusted it and my left side was not effected. So they did one more adjustment and finally I was ok, At 5:30PM I was 10cm and ready to go. But wait.......Mark & my Mom were nowhere in site. Mark went to KFC my mom was in the cafeteria. I got everyone on deck and we started pushing at 6PM.......Continued to push until 7:30 when the shift change came. The new nurse could tell there was something wrong and said she needed to get the doctor. Dr. Carlson showed up and they realized that Ashley's head was too big to make it down. We got that resolve with a little assistance from the doctor then we had another problem. Her shoulders got stuck and her vitals went down. Dr called for NICU standby using the term "DR> QUICK" as I look up I am being told to continue pushing even after the 3 count of contractions. 15 people are now in the room, respiratory therapist, NICU doctors and nurses along with the all the Labor and Delivery Nurses. Liz the nurse on duty jumped on top of me and started pushing with me to get her out. They had to turn her shoulders and pull her out on an angle. She had quite an entrance into this world.

We are so happy that she is here!!!! We love her sooo much.......