Friday, July 16, 2010

July 11, 2010...... My Baptism

On July 11. 2010 Ashley was Baptized into the Catholic Church. Deacon John did a private ceremony. Leslie and Rick are her Godparents. We had a very nice ceremony. Ashley did very well. She loves getting her hair wet so she loved it when Deacon John baptized her with the Holy Water.

She wore a dress which was handmade by her Great Grandmother 67 years ago. Her beautiful headband was made by her Grammy out of my wedding dress. She wore the socks I wore at my baptism which was exactly 34 years and 1 day prior to hers. The blanket she was wrapped in was her daddy's baby blanket.

We had a wonderful lunch at the Waterway Cafe. We went back to the house that Grammy and PaPa rented in Jupiter Farms and opened some lovely gifts from the family. It was a perfect day and we were so happy that everyone was here to share her special day.

My Whole Family.......

Last weekend was so much fun. My whole family came to visit me. We celebrated every day. Friday was PaPa's birthday. We had a nice dinner and I got to meet my Great-Grandmother, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Rick, and all of my cousins Ryan, Kyle and Katie. I also got to meet my Great Aunt Geri and Great Uncle Richard along with my cousins Chris, Jen and Natalie.

Of course I was very happy to see my Grandma, Grammy and PaPa again.

On Saturday we celebrated my Great Grandmother's 90th birthday. She was so surprised. We did a family portrait that Leslie captured. Great Grandma Rose loved it. It was great seeing pictures from the past and just be all together for a family dinner.

Here is a picture of me and my cousin Katie. She is 10 weeks older than me.
Here is a picture of my Great Grandma holding me and my cousin Natalie. She did so great with me. She fed me a few times and I enjoyed sleeping in her arms. I love her so much.
Here is a picture of my PaPa's birthday with my Grammy and cousins Ryan and Kyle.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Mommy's birthday

Happy birthday to my mommy.......
Daddy & I had a fun plan while mommy was getting her hair done we would sign her cards.
Daddy had to do most of the work since I am too small and not quite coordinated to do much this year. I think secretly daddy had so much fun doing arts & crafts.

Mommy got home and was so surprised that we made these cards. Mommy also surprised us by cutting her hair off. Check out her new do..... One was from yesterday her salon do and one was from today her curly do... I know she loves not having all that hair to deal with.....

Happy 1 Month Birthday with a visit from Aunt Jenee & Aunt Loretta

My Aunt Jenee & Aunt Loretta came to visit me. They took great care of me and helped my mommy with the small stuff. I am so happy they came to visit me. I really did not get many pictures with them but they did give me a great spa day. Look here they are pampering me.....

Aunt Loretta had a hard time being away from my bff Emmie but I was very grateful she was here with me. They are both really cool. I see why mommy always tells me about them..

We also celebrated my 1 Month birthday while they where here.... I have been here for a whole month....WOW....