Tuesday, September 21, 2010


One Year ago today Mark & I got back from a nice vacation from North Carolina and a Cruise to Cozumel. We spent the first half of our vaca with Mark's parents golfing, playing tennis and beaching it. We also found out that Leslie was 6 weeks pregnant. After we left there we went to Clearwater to meet up with my Mom, Dad, Jenee, Nick and Jacob. We all took a 4 day cruise to Cozumel. I knew I was late and while in Mexico we went inside a drug store and had a pregnancy test in our hands but put it down (what a storey that would have been to find out in Mexico our little Ashley was on the way)... we continued on on voyage. When the ship docked on Sept 21st Mark, my Dad and I took a flight back to Ft Lauderdale together. We drove back to West Palm and I hit the grocery store o stock up on some food since we were gone for over a week. I picked up a test (don't ya know I ran into one of my employees while checking out with the test in my hand).

I got home and started to unload the groceries. I took a minute to take the test. I left it on the counter and continued with putting away the groceries and doing laundry. Ten minutes later I remembered the test and went into the bathroom. I saw two lines......What...... So I took a 2nd test and don't you know.....We were pregnant. I yelled up to Mark.... BABY... he replied yes, as if I was calling him... again I yelled BABY.... he said what...... I said...B....A...B....Y!!!!!! He said really and came down the stairs and looked at the test. We both were so excited....... What a little blessing.

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