Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Ashley's is now 6 months old today. 26 weeks. 1/2 year old.......... WHAT??? I feel like she just arrived. We had a few doctors appointments this week. Her neurologist said she looks perfect he is just going to follow up at 9 and 12 months. He has cleared her. The Physical Therapist said she looks great. We are staying on once a month since she is still progressing. We also had a 6 month check up and shots. She is 17.5 lbs and 29 inches long. We are 99% in height and 57% in weight.

Thanksgiving was a nice day. We really missed Grammy and PaPa. PaPa we all hope you are feeling better. We had a few friends over for dinner and Grandma was here with us. Ashley got to eat her first "meat" meal. "Turkey & Sweet Potato" in Gerber 2nd Stage Foods. She loved it.....

We gave her the drumstick to see what she would do with it. It was bigger then her so Grandma helped her hold it for a cute picture............

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our Pianist

Check her out......

Alicia and Joe came over and bought her a cute princess book that has a piano attached. She loves it. I was so amazed that she knew just what to do with her little fingers....

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ashley's doctor and Physical Therapist agreed that Ashley would benefit with getting a Cranial Band/Helmet to improve her head shape. She was flat on one side. It is called Plagiocephaly. This is a result from her Brachial Plexuis and Tortocollis. We tried re-positioning and no luck. She will have to wear it for 6-12 weeks.

She got fitted last week with a laser scan and the helmet came in yesterday. She is on a schedule which will build her up to wearing the helmet 23 hours a day.

Ashley and her cousin Katie are setting the fashion trend for all the babies. I say it is her latest and greatest accessory. They both have smiles that light up and room and the helmet just crowns their beautiful princess faces.

Ashley has several appointment over the next few weeks. She goes in to her Neurologist Friday, her 6 month shots and check up on Tuesday and the 2nd week of December she meets with the Brachial Specialist in Miami again. I will post next week.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My First Halloween 2010

Ashley's First Halloween was fun for all of us. Grandma bought her this cute little ladybug outfit.
I call her my "little bug" so this was perfect.

When her Grammy & PaPa came down we took her to the Pumpkin Patch. She was tinier than some of the pumpkins.

Mommy had to work on Halloween Night so Grandma bought her this cute outfit to wear with her daddy....
She also got to play with an Ashley size pumpkin.

What would Halloween be with out candy........

She loved the baby pumpkin.......

One of the girls at work got her this cute T-Shirt... You know I loved it!!!!!

Grammy & PaPa made a cool Halloween Cards this year. Grammy brought down the costumes and we got Ashley dressed up to take picture....
Here she is with her Grammy all dressed up.....

5 Months Old...

Ashley is now 5 months old. She is doing so much now. Most of the infant traits are gone. Now that I am back working 55-60 hours a week I feel like she is growing like a weed. She rolls all over the place. She has many conversations with Mark & I daily. We just need to figure out what she is saying. She has been eating cereal for a few weeks. We are making our way around the fruits and vegetable selections. She is a smiling cutie pie.... My world just melts and everything is perfect when she looks at me and smiles.

Her Physical Therapist has reduced her Tortocollis therapy from every week to once a month. Her sternocleidomastoid muscle fibroid tumor (contracted muscle) has disappeared and she has 95% rotation. We did our job daily with stretching and doing daily therapy at home. I am so happy she is doing well.

Ashley's Occupational Therapist for the Brachial Plexius injury thinks that next month will be her last visit. At 6 months all range of motion should be present. She is now displaying 100% mobility, rotation and correct positioning of her hand, wrist and arm. She is also reaching above her head for objects. We have a follow up appointment with her Brachial Plexius Specialist down in Miami in December. He thinks he will find her to be a rare textbook case of spontaneous recovery with out any side effects. Thank God! I know my daddy is up there taking good care of her.

We are looking into doing a helmet for her. She has a flat spot on her head which is a result of the Tortocollis. She should have it with in the month. She will wear it for 2-3 months. Her cousin Katie has it and she is doing great with it.