Thursday, November 18, 2010


Ashley's doctor and Physical Therapist agreed that Ashley would benefit with getting a Cranial Band/Helmet to improve her head shape. She was flat on one side. It is called Plagiocephaly. This is a result from her Brachial Plexuis and Tortocollis. We tried re-positioning and no luck. She will have to wear it for 6-12 weeks.

She got fitted last week with a laser scan and the helmet came in yesterday. She is on a schedule which will build her up to wearing the helmet 23 hours a day.

Ashley and her cousin Katie are setting the fashion trend for all the babies. I say it is her latest and greatest accessory. They both have smiles that light up and room and the helmet just crowns their beautiful princess faces.

Ashley has several appointment over the next few weeks. She goes in to her Neurologist Friday, her 6 month shots and check up on Tuesday and the 2nd week of December she meets with the Brachial Specialist in Miami again. I will post next week.

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