Saturday, March 19, 2011

One Year Anniversary..... Dad I miss you......


I can not believe it has been a year. WOW what a year it has been. I know that you are at peace and that you are up in heaven taking care of us down here. We miss you and love you so much…….. I wish I could hear one of your corny jokes or just hear that hearty laugh…..You do not know how much I miss you…..I break down and then I have to realize that you are cancer free now and that you are no longer in pain…. I really thought that you would beat it…as bad as things got at the end you kept fighting and you never gave up and I truly respect you for that. You are a strong man with conviction. I guess with my pregnancy I did not want to believe you were as sick as you were. Your funeral was very nice. I think Tom McQueen did a very nice job.

As for your granddaughter….When we talked you did not want me to use your middle name because you did not get along with your uncle….well…. I thought about it and I was naming her after YOU and not your uncle…..So I did it...she has the mixture of our middle names (Ray) (ne)….. I know you would love to visit and play with her. Although GOD called on you two months and 8 days prior to her birth I know you where there taking care of me and her through the rough labor and delivery. Your granddaughter had a few minor compilations that I know with the help of GOD and you she was able to overcome a majority of these injuries. Thank you so much….She is beautiful and I think she has your hearty laugh…. She will know everything about you and what a wonderful dad you were.

I hope you are happy with color and all the stuff I did with your home. I do feel bad that I couldn’t use more of your stuff. I know that you gave me the dogs last Christmas because that was important to you. I also took a few of the elephants. I hope you are proud of how the process was handled. I tried to do everything the way I think you would have liked to do it.

I am back to work and your son in law is taking great care of your grandbaby. He loves her so much and I am blown away on how great he is with her. With her little injuries I needed to go back so that we kept the insurance. It has been great so far. I am still praying of a job for him closer to mom. I would love to get back there sooner than later. He is still working here and there. He is starting training for a new contract that maybe able to help us out with a more stable income. I pray it goes as planned. Only time will tell.

Be at peace and I pray that you are proud of all the decision I have made throughout the process of the past year. Please continue to guide me in making the right decisions and with GODS help please continue to keep all of us all safe and healthy.

We love you………

Thursday, March 17, 2011


We celebrated Grandma's name sake holiday today and her Great Grandmothers favorite holiday.... Momma was a proud Irish Woman and today we missed her dearly......

I also realized that after today she only has one more "FIRST" holiday... Easter.... what??? where has this year gone....????

How Much Fun...She is trying to walk...

How Much Fun...She is trying to walk...most Mom's would say...
Not me... she is only 9 months old... she is still my baby..She has always been ahead of the game at most things so why not this...... She started pulling herself up in the beginning of February. She has now perfected the balancing on her knees, pulling herself up on the couches, chairs, mommy, daddy, toys or anything in sight. She is walking from one side of the love-seat around the corner to the couch.. then to the chair and ottoman then to the dinning-room holding on to the furniture....

ohhh Daddy watch out for those car magazines.. they taste great.

The crib she has mastered with a few bumps and bruises.

She still only has 2 teeth but the way she is chewing on everything I am waiting for the next two to come through any day..

Missed Valentines photos...

Missed Christmas Photos... Ooooppps

Here is the pictures of the mall set up for Ashley's first visit to see Santa.......She was a cheese ball... smiling away...

Monday, March 7, 2011

SEARS Photos

We took Ashley and Emmie to SEARS to have their pictures taken together. Here are a few of the proofs. Loretta and I agreed that the girl missed at least 10 good shots of the two of them. We were really disappointed. These are the best of the pics....I also included a cute shot of Ashley by herself....

I think the one picture that they are wearing matching outfits looks like they had a rough ballet class.......

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Shopping Day

Here are a few fun pictures from our trip. This includes pictures from Ashley and Emmie playing at my moms. (blurry but you can see how cute they are together) and pictures from the Ellington Outlet Mall. You can see Ashley , Emmie and McAllyster all had a fun time together. McAllyster did a great job keeping the babies happy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Palm Beach Zoo

Ashly had her first trip to the Palm Beach Zoo. It was really nice. It had many different animals. We saw a jaguar, a panther, alligators, a white croc, koala bears, a black bear and many other kinds of animals. The day was gorgeous. It was sunny, mildly warm and breezy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

9 months old

Ashley has some new tricks up her sleve. She is all about pulling herself up on the couch and stealing our remotes.

Ashley is 9 months old. We had her 9 month check up last week. She is now weighing in at 23lbs and 32". She is 99% in height and 91% in weight. They said she looks great and all of the injuries look like they have been fixed. She got her shots and did not even cry this time. She is such a great baby.

I took vacation last week. Mark and I went to Clearwater for Emerson's 1st birthday party. We had a nice date night on Sunday. This was the first time Mark & I have been out to dinner and to a movie since Miss Ashley arrived. We saw "Just Go With It" and had dinner at Longhorn. Jenee, Nick, Loretta and Randy joined us. It was a triple date.
Mark flew back on Monday and Ashley and I just hung out for a couple of days. Emmie and Ashley got to play. On Wednesday we had a girls shopping day. Jenee, Loretta, McAllyster, Emmie, Ashley and I went to Ellington Outlets and did some major damage at the Childrens shops. Ashley is growing so fast that she is in 12 months and we are starting to run out of clothes. This was a great time to get some larger sizes for her. We bought her firs pair of Pre-Walkers from Stride Rite and the cutiest purple Nike. How much fun shoe shopping with the girls.

Ashley also got to see everyone at Grandma's work, she spent time with Aunt Cheryl, Aunt Lenny and Aunt Nayden.

We drove back on Thursday and brought Grandma back with us. While Grandma was he we took Ashley for her first trip to the Zoo.

So much fun.