Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Kitchen

Ashley got the coolest kitchen for her birthday. It has amused her for hours. She cooks breakfast when Mommy cooks and she even likes putting the groceries away when we come home from shopping.

Monday, June 25, 2012

GaGa's Visit in May/June 2012

GaGa came to visit to celebrate the birthday girl and to be here for her birthday. We had a nice time. GaGa stayed a little extra to help us out with somethings. It was so nice to have her here. We love it when the Grandparents come to visit. It gives Mark a break from the monotony of the day to day and Mommy gets a break from some of the household responsibilities.  We did so many things.. We started the art class, went to Chuck E Cheese, went to the park, the pool, City Place, out to dinner, tea parties and GaGa took her out walking every day.  (GaGa and Grammy like to wear her out with her afternoon walks). Look forward to seeing you next visit in August.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ashley's Real Birthday

On Ashley's REAL Birthday we took her to Chuck E Cheese. We even had Chuck E Cheese deliver a birthday cake to her. Not so much fun for her. She got a little scared and was not very happy seeing a 6ft Rat coming her way. But as for the day I think Dada had more fun playing the games. GaGa is what she calls my mom. Well, GaGa had fun playing too.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hurricane ASHLEY 2012

1st Named Storm of Hurricane season 2012..........

Ashley had a rough day and so did Mommy. DaDa took over around 1 PM so Mommy could take a nap before work. Well Ashley was a little fussy from a poor night of sleep (she was awake from 2-5 AM and then woke up at 8 AM). Daddy wanted to keep her busy so she would not wake me up so they played pull all you clothes out.... and then leave it for Mommy to see.

So I awoke to this sign on Ashley's bedroom door. When I went down stairs to see what happened I saw the cutest sight. Here are the

Ashley Random Pictures

I love these so I thought I would share...

Monday, June 18, 2012


Ashley got her first taste (yes she tried eating it) of Play-dough. She got it from her Great-Grandmother and she loves it. We played with it at home and then she also got to play with it at Art Class. I love playing with it and I think DaDa loves to play with it too.

Art Class

Ashley started a new Art Class. She has so much fun. Here she is painting and playing. So far we have created a birds nest, planted seeds in a cup and decorated it, a sunflower, we painted with feathers, made a card and coaster for DaDa's day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grammy & PaPa's visit 5/2012

Grammy & PaPa came to visit the week prior to Ashley's birthday. Mark and PaPa took the car out and did well. Mark still needs more time to get adjusted to the new set up.
Mommy worked the whole time they were here so we really did not get much time to do anything but Ashley started talking more and doing some more independent eating with Grammy. Ashley also had fun on her daily walks. We did not take her out too much as she was recovering from a little bug. She had a fever for a few days then a rash so Grammy & PaPa kept it low key. Here are some cute pictures.

Ashley was so excited to see Grammy & PaPa she wanted to call them by name. So we tried to work with her on "GRA..MMY" and "Pa  Pa". Well the best we got was a whispered "".

I have to tell you that Grammy & PaPa left 2 weeks ago and this poor little kid is running around the house everyday looking in the bathroom, out the front window, under the couch looking for her Pa Pa. She swears he is still here but he is hiding.  Let me tell you it is the cutest thing in the whole wide world when she moves a pillow on the couch and whispers....""

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad...


Happy Birthday. Time keeps passing and I still can not believe you are gone. Today we should be celebrating with you on a cruise or at dinner eating crab legs. Your granddaughter should be bouncing on your knee. I want to wake up and for it to have all been a cruel nightmare that you had to go through all this. I know you are with GOD and watching over all of us. We miss you & love you.

Love, Stacy Mark & Ashley

Friday, June 8, 2012

Ashley's 2nd Birthday Party

Happy Birthday my little angel. On Saturday we had a nice little party with the whole family and some of Ashley's little buddies.  It was fun we did an Abbey Cadabby theme....Who??... you say.. she is a character on the new Sesame Street show.

One of the girls at work is such a creative person she designed the outfit. Ashley will love her mommy when she looks back at these pictures. We had fun and she loved all of her gifts.