Sunday, June 10, 2012

Grammy & PaPa's visit 5/2012

Grammy & PaPa came to visit the week prior to Ashley's birthday. Mark and PaPa took the car out and did well. Mark still needs more time to get adjusted to the new set up.
Mommy worked the whole time they were here so we really did not get much time to do anything but Ashley started talking more and doing some more independent eating with Grammy. Ashley also had fun on her daily walks. We did not take her out too much as she was recovering from a little bug. She had a fever for a few days then a rash so Grammy & PaPa kept it low key. Here are some cute pictures.

Ashley was so excited to see Grammy & PaPa she wanted to call them by name. So we tried to work with her on "GRA..MMY" and "Pa  Pa". Well the best we got was a whispered "".

I have to tell you that Grammy & PaPa left 2 weeks ago and this poor little kid is running around the house everyday looking in the bathroom, out the front window, under the couch looking for her Pa Pa. She swears he is still here but he is hiding.  Let me tell you it is the cutest thing in the whole wide world when she moves a pillow on the couch and whispers....""

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