Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NC 2012 July Trip

We have a busy couple of months scheduled. Our first BIG trip was to go visit Grammy and PaPa in North Carolina. We flew up and Ashley did very well on the plane. She loved to look at people, smile and play with  playing with the window and seat trays.
Ashley was happy to see Grammy & PaPa. She just loves them so much. She had fun at the beach with Grammy in the water and she just loved playing with PaPa at the house. Everything she played with she had to give it to him.
 We were so excited that Aunt Leslie, Uncle Rick and all of Ashley's cousin (Katie, Ryan and Kyle) where there to play with. We spent a lot of time at the beach and pool. We had fun playing .

 Ashley even got to ride a bike and use her new bicycle helmet.

 It was sooooooo much fun. We can not wait to do it again next year


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