Friday, April 19, 2013

Potty Training

It's time to get out of those diapers..........
What to do......How to do it.......... The Anxiety of it all....

Leap in with both feet...We did.. and success after a week. Ashley is so adaptable. She transitioned in life so well. She is doing so well. I anticipated it to be more challenging. After a couple of accidents she got the concept. I hope the novelty of sitting on the potty goes away soon she seems to go sit on it every 10 minutes. It is getting better and at least there are no accidents. I think Dada is still a little overwhelmed with the whole thing.


Book Drive

Our Restaurant did an amazing event. We raised money to purchase books for a local Children’s Club. We also had our regular guest come in a drop off books. We donated over 300 books. The club was so appreciative. Here are a few shots. (BTW Ashley donated some of her duplicate books).

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easter...Easter and More EASTER!!!

Ashley should have a clear understanding of what Easter is all about.

We had so many events this year.

It all started with the trip to see the Easter Bunny at the mall. A Lollipop did the trick to get her on his lap. She was a little hesitant this year.

The next event was the School Spring Celebration. The kids did a spring recital with a song & a dance.We all enjoyed bunny snacks, then the Easter Bunny (yes another one) came to the class. The Easter Bunny told the kids that there were Easter Eggs hidden around the playground. The kids had so much fun!!!!

The event to follow was the Egg-travaganza . This is an event that is held at the Ball Park. They separate the kids in different age groups and place 1000 eggs on each field. On each field there are 2 winning eggs for gift bags. Ashley did great this year she collected about 25 eggs all by herself and the most important thing was that she found an egg with the Bunny in it. She won a Build a Bear gift bag. Such a lucky little girl. I am so proud of her.

The last event was a family fun day at our friends development. Ashley's friend Addison and Preston had fun creating eggs and running around.They had a petting zoo, face painting, a breakfast buffet, egg hunt, sack race, spoon race, art table........oh and of course.....THE EASTER BUNNY...(yes... another one...). Ashley even got to touch an alligator....

After these events we went to Church so Ashley could understand why we celebrated Easter... The candy, bunny and fun stuff was great. The true meaning of Easter came from Jesus. I tried to explain it to her kinda a hard topic for a 2 year old to get.

With all this fun….we almost forgot to color Easter eggs…. Ashley had fun hand dipping each egg… She loved watch them change colors……

One last celebration was in the morning.......The bunny came overnight and left Ashley an Easter basket fully of potty training gifts....underwear, pull ups, stickers and some yummy candy too!!!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ashley's School Events

Ashley’s school is absolutely amazing!!!!!!

She’s had so many cool things. 

The Dentist came in and gave the kids a lesson about brushing teeth. Ashley even got a new toothbrush and big kid toothpaste.

On the Cat in the Hat’s birthday the Assistant Director dressed up and Miss Sharon read the book to the kids.

The Spring Celebration was great!!!  Miss Sharon read the Spring Time book, then the kids performed their Caterpillar song, the Spring Bunny came to visit and then they got to go to the playground to find Easter Eggs. Mark & I had so much fun watching Ashley play with her friends and just seeing how well she has settled into her school life.

On Earth Day the kids will be traveling from class to class to learn about the earth. I will be volunteering for this event. I can not wait to see what Miss Sharron has in store for the kids.

I really have to Thank my Mother-in-law for coming down to Florida and speding time researching the schools with me. We really hit a home run with this one.... Thank you. I love you!

All Smiles

Dad.....3 years has passed..I miss you every day.

Soooo much to say……. Where to begin….. Three years have passed… So much that has happened. I think of you often.  I tell Ashley about you and I think she said Grandpa Ron one time.
I still feel like you are just on a vacation or business trip. You’ll be calling when you get home so we can meet for a movie in Boca or have lunch. I think that is how I cope with your death.
This year was a little challenging Ashley has a bit of a speech delay but has been cleared on everything else. She started a preschool it was tough for me to let my little girl go and be with someone other than Mark and I. She loves it and it has helped her in so many ways.  Mom has been a big part of her life. She is always around and so helpful for Mark & I when we need her. I hope she knows how much we love and appreciates everything she does for us and Ashley. Mark’s parents have been great too!
Work is going well, keeping busy and still staying focused on career development. Doing the right thing even when nobody is looking. Integrity!
I was so sad to hear about Irene but I am sure you two are having fun in the casinos in heaven.  Bill had a rough battle and I am sure you are catching up telling jokes. I hope that you, Bill, and Chuck are  watching over Mom, Cheryl and Lenny.
I cannot explain in words on how much I wish you were here to see Ashley, play with her and get to know this beautiful granddaughter of yours.  She is so cute and so much fun. She is a little spitfire and still has your hearty laugh. She is a handful with her little personality emerging. So independent and strong minded on what she wants in life. She’s only 2 ½ I can’t imagine what she will be like as a teenager. I need your help along the way to watch over her and lead her towards the right choices and making the best decisions. We will give her a strong set of values and hold her accountable for her actions and reward her successes.

I love you and miss you,
Ashley & Mark too!!!!

Dada day to the Rainforest Cafe....

Hair Cut....The Right Way....

So if you looked at pictures of Ashley a year ago you will see that I destroyed her bangs... Finally
after letting them grow for 6 months it was time to trim them again... Mommy was NOT going to even attempt it again. So we went to the Salon and Spa and had it done.....Much better... I will leave it to the

The Fair

We took Ashley to the state fair for the first time.... She loved the animals... Eye to Eye with a Billy Goat..... She got to have a Pretzel Dog with Dada...She went on a submarine ride, the carousel,  a car ride, she did the bungee trampoline jumping,  we watched the fire fighters, we took her on the sky lift and to top it off......She went on the elephant ride all by herself. Such a big 2 year old......

Beach Day in Feburary

So the weather has been hit or miss lately. A hot day then 3 cod days... we had a nice break in the weather so while GAGA was here we took a walk on the beach. Ashley loved chasing the birds and the sand in her toes... the water was "too cold" but we dipped our toes in anway...

Ride a Bike

Ashley has a new favorite activity.. She does this cute hand motion and says "Ride A Bike". We are working on the pedals... Dada came up with a creative idea... We will see how it works....