Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Medical Update

Just a few things on Miss Ashley...

Bracial Plexuis Injury - Arm issue with the nerves to the spinal cord.

We went to the neurologist and he said that she has a slight amount of weakness in the left arm. He said she has come a long way and just to keep up strength training. Making her use the left arm slightly more than the right and if she does it with her right she needs to do it with her left. He released her for her arm.

Heart MurMur-

We took our 1 year follow up with the Cardiologist and he ran an EKG and ultrasound. The mur mur is gone. He heard a perfect little heart. He said no follow ups are necessary.

What a year can do....... I know it was faith in GOD and my dad and grandparents taking care of her throughout this year. I thank GOD everyday for the strength he has given this little one. She is a trooper. Through MRI's , Nerve Test, Ultrasounds, EKG's, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Wearing a helmet for 3 months........ This little precious angel has smiled and been such a joy every moment she has been here.

Ashley Rayne...Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and we love and adore you.... Thank you for blessing us with your love and laughter......

Shifting Gears With Ashley Rayne

So Ashley got this Playschool walk and ride toy.... She loves it......

She wears her dada out in ride mode. You can her her deep voice laugh every time Mark launches her around the living room. We taught her to shift gears when she is ready to go..... It's funny because she looks around like "Dada...where are you....I am shifting gears....... lets go.... get up and push me...."

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kickin' Back With PaPa

I just loved this picture. It just shows how laid back and how comfortable she is with her PaPa. She is kicked back with her bottle, leaning back and has her foot propped on the table.

Emmie & Ashley

We had Ashley and Emmie together while we were visiting. Ashley and Emmie hung out in the pack and play. They gave each other hugs and shared toys. I think Emmie wanted to blow raspberries on Ashley's tummy..... How much fun....

1 Year Update

WOW... One Whole Year Old..... Blink it's gone... WOW

So We had our 1 year Check Up and Ashley is weighing in at 25 lbs 13 ounces. She is 31" long. I think this measurement was off as Ashley was a little squirmy worm they day if her appointment. She is 97th% on Weight and 95th% in height

She did not do so well with her shots this time. She had the MMR and 3 other shots. The MMR is brutal. She screamed so loud. I felt so bad.

We are up for a challenge with a whole new way of eating. Ashley did not like plain whole milk. She spit it out so I am transitioning her with 4oz of formula and 4 oz of milk. Next week will be3oz to 5 oz and so forth until we are 100% on milk. Food has been a challenge too. She is a gag-g-g-g-ger. We are trying all new foods this week. Breakfast has been the biggest challenge. She does not like eggs, waffles, pancakes or french toast. I think it may be a texture thing. We are going to keep trying everyday until she gets used to it. Lunch and Dinner are OK since we have been doing chicken, turkey, pastas and veggies. The whole feed herself thing is OK. She loves smashing things in her fist then tossing it on the floor. Mark is not doing so well dealing with a messy baby. He had her trained as such a neat eater with the babyfood. We will update you on how things are going in a few weeks.

We are looking forward to Mark's 2nd Father's Day, Grandma Pats visit at the end of the month, My birthday and our trip planned to visit Grammy, Papa, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Rick and Ashley's Cousins Kyle, Ryan and Katie.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

She's A Walker........

My Beautiful Cheese Ball....

This was so cute... Last night Ashley brushed her teeth and was getting ready for bed.... She stopped to show me her pearly whites.....

Mission Completed....

Mission Completed....

So I know that everyone has enjoyed the monthly pictures of Ashley. It has been fun seeing the changes from month to month. I know everyone was thinking.... enough with the pictures already.... or do you have anything better to do... LOL

Between therapy and helmet visits, working 55 hours I made it a goal to fill this picture frame......

I did it....... Here is the final out come. The only non professional was her 1 month and that was taken by Jenee and Loretta while they were here visiting her for the 1st time...

It will be every 6 months from now on I PROMISE...LOL...

First Birthday Party

We traveled to Clearwater for the weekend. We had so much to celebrate. Grandma's birthday was on Friday so we took her shopping and then out for dinner.

Grammy and Papa had a rough day of travel and did not make it in until late on Friday.

On Saturday Ashley was so happy to see Grammy and Papa in the morning.

Aunt Naydean stopped by before the party too. This was great because it got Ashley used to a few people before she was surrounded at the party.

We rented the Largo Central Railroad Choo Choo which runs through the newly renovated Largo Park. It was fun for all ages. I think the adults had just as much fun riding it.

Minnie was the theme so Ashley had many wardrobe changes. She arrived in the Minnie costume and then ate her cake in a Minnie cotton top then she changed into her mini "Minnie" jump suit.

Here are a few pictures from the party.

It was great to have so many friends and family there to Celebrate Ashly's 1st birthday.

Studio Pictures

Here are a few fun pictures we took at the studio.

The manager thought it would be fun to have her smash a cake while taking pictures. We brought a drop cloth and Ashley went to town on that poor cake. It did not stand a chance.

Of course her theme was Minnie Mouse. So what would it be with out the Minnie costume.