Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Medical Update

Just a few things on Miss Ashley...

Bracial Plexuis Injury - Arm issue with the nerves to the spinal cord.

We went to the neurologist and he said that she has a slight amount of weakness in the left arm. He said she has come a long way and just to keep up strength training. Making her use the left arm slightly more than the right and if she does it with her right she needs to do it with her left. He released her for her arm.

Heart MurMur-

We took our 1 year follow up with the Cardiologist and he ran an EKG and ultrasound. The mur mur is gone. He heard a perfect little heart. He said no follow ups are necessary.

What a year can do....... I know it was faith in GOD and my dad and grandparents taking care of her throughout this year. I thank GOD everyday for the strength he has given this little one. She is a trooper. Through MRI's , Nerve Test, Ultrasounds, EKG's, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Wearing a helmet for 3 months........ This little precious angel has smiled and been such a joy every moment she has been here.

Ashley Rayne...Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and we love and adore you.... Thank you for blessing us with your love and laughter......

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know everything is going so well...

    Now get as many fruits and veggies in her as you can, and there'll be no stopping her!!!
