Sunday, June 5, 2011

1 Year Update

WOW... One Whole Year Old..... Blink it's gone... WOW

So We had our 1 year Check Up and Ashley is weighing in at 25 lbs 13 ounces. She is 31" long. I think this measurement was off as Ashley was a little squirmy worm they day if her appointment. She is 97th% on Weight and 95th% in height

She did not do so well with her shots this time. She had the MMR and 3 other shots. The MMR is brutal. She screamed so loud. I felt so bad.

We are up for a challenge with a whole new way of eating. Ashley did not like plain whole milk. She spit it out so I am transitioning her with 4oz of formula and 4 oz of milk. Next week will be3oz to 5 oz and so forth until we are 100% on milk. Food has been a challenge too. She is a gag-g-g-g-ger. We are trying all new foods this week. Breakfast has been the biggest challenge. She does not like eggs, waffles, pancakes or french toast. I think it may be a texture thing. We are going to keep trying everyday until she gets used to it. Lunch and Dinner are OK since we have been doing chicken, turkey, pastas and veggies. The whole feed herself thing is OK. She loves smashing things in her fist then tossing it on the floor. Mark is not doing so well dealing with a messy baby. He had her trained as such a neat eater with the babyfood. We will update you on how things are going in a few weeks.

We are looking forward to Mark's 2nd Father's Day, Grandma Pats visit at the end of the month, My birthday and our trip planned to visit Grammy, Papa, Aunt Leslie, Uncle Rick and Ashley's Cousins Kyle, Ryan and Katie.

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