Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Turkey Trot

Every year St. Petersburg Times hosts a Turkey Trot 5K. Loretta has made it a tradition and this year since Mark & I were in town we joined. As usual we were a little late so Loretta and Randy went ahead. Mark & I did the 5K with Ashley. Here are a few pics from the run....

Here is Emmie and Ashley after the run with Loretta...

One amazing site that we stumbled across was the SMILEY FACE balloon. If you don't know the story here is a quick update. My dad would always run to Walgreens and pick up a smiley face balloon whenever there was a hurricane off the coast. He would tie it down on his back dock. This tradition was done to keep the hurricanes off shore. I know it was a crazy tradition but it was my dad's thing. For the most part it worked. Ft Lauderdale never got a direct hit from any storm. So anytime I see this balloon I think of him and I know he is still with us. While we were walking we saw a random balloon tied to a mailbox. Look at how the picture shows a burst of sun shining on the balloon. The sun was shining directly on us. I know it was my dad...

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