Saturday, March 24, 2012

Generations Rocking....

After a nice breakfast at Cracker Barrel Grandma and Ashley decided to relax and rock in the rocking chairs. They look so cute with their matching pink shirts.

Ice Cream ...I got some Ice Cream......

Ashley had fun with a mini ice-cream cone at Sweet Tomatoes. I think she liked it....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Miss you Dad..... 2 years has passed...

Hey Dad

So it has been 2 years since you left us here on earth. I think about you every day. I miss you so much. I just sit sometimes and imagine how you would be with Ashley. She would have so much fun with you. I know you would tease her and make her laugh. Speaking of her laugh… You live on in her. She has your deep hearty laugh. You would be so great with her. Mom keeps telling me stories on how you were so overprotective of me. I guess I got that trait from you. I am “that mom”. Overprotective, super cautious, and I have to have every safety device they carry. Mom teases me that I put Ashley in a bubble.

Anyway, a lot has happened this year. As you know Ashley’s injuries have all healed. Her little heart is fine and she has been cleared. Her Brachial Plexus is fine. She was a very lucky one with that. Again. I question luck…… I think you had a lot to do with healing her. Thank you. Her little head is a little off but we did the helmet and it is much better from the Tortocollis. Mom has spent a lot of time here. Richard gave her an early retirement. She stopped working in Feb. I think it was good for her. She is doing well with it now.

You would be so proud of Mark and how he is with the baby and with helping me. Although I would love to be the “stay at home” mom. I think it works great. Mark still gets to work a little bit while I am home and I think Ashley is more of a “Chill baby” because of it.

We have taken a few trips this year. We went to NC and had an adventure getting there but it was a fun family memory. We have been back and forth to Clearwater a few times.

I drove by your house a few times. It really looks the same as it did when I sold it to Doug. I also wanted to let you know that you have wonderful and true friends in Jerry and Byron. They have not missed a beat with Ashley. They send her cards and gifts all the time. I am trying to arrange a time to meet them. They miss you. Irene is on oxygen but seems to be still getting around with it. She was going on another cruise the last we talked to her.

Well make sure to tell everyone up there with you that I miss & love them all. The memories and photo’s I will share with Ashley. She will get to know everyone who was a part of her mommy’s life.

I love you and miss you. Continue to keep watching over us along with GOD keeping us safe and guiding us in the right direction.

I Love you & Really Miss you,

Your Loving Daughter… Stacy

(Mark & Ashley too!!!)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

!!!!!!Erin Go Braugh........ Ireland Forever!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

All caught up.......

System Overload... My goal was to get us up to date. I think we are there. I will try to maintain....

We have a fun couple of months coming up. Grammy & PaPa are coming to visit.Dada is racing his car and it will be Ashley's first track visit. Ashley goes back to Gymboree next week. We have been on a break since Mommy has been working so much. Season is here and the restaurant is extremely busy. Mommy gets a vacation in a couple of weeks. Dada and Mommy are planning on going away for a couple of days. Ashley's birthday is right around the corner.... So much fun.... Can not wait to keep you updated..... (in a timely manor)

GAP hat

Lovin Her new GAP hat.....

This hat was Mark's idea.... she loves it... She puts it on all sorts of ways..... here are some pics of her and her favorite hat.

Chuck E Cheese & Grandma


We took a quick trip to the Loggerhead Marine center. Ashley had fun in the educational center and she loved watching the turtles swim in their tanks.

Lion Country Safari

Between looking at condo's and just hanging out we decided to take a family trip to Lion Country Safari which is about a 30 minute drive from the house. It is a drive through animal habitat for a vast variety of animals. You take your personal vehicle in through the different habitats. They give you a CD to play in the car that describes the animals and plays music from each part of the world. After the drive there is a small amusement area with a few adventures. We had such a nice day.

Oh my look at that amazing animal............

Ashley loved looking at the animals walking by the car... Ostrich , Zebra, Water Buffalo and Rino's.

Ashley look at those Rino's behind you........... better drive fast... lol

She loved watching the Giraffe eat. In the park there is a Giraffe feeding area. They love Romaine lettuce.

Here is Grandma, Mommy and Ashley on the Carousel.

Dada and Ashley mocked the birds.... Ashley got so caught up in it when a little boy (5 years old) walked by her she make a loud noise and he ran and hid behind his dad. I think she scared him..... We all started laughing telling Ashley that's how she has to scare the boys away when she gets older.

Grandma and Ashley had fun playing the bongos........
Dada and Ashley went on a jungle maze.......

When it was all done she wanted to drive herself home with all the animals.......


This was a hard decision, but it had to be done. Ashley's hair was out of control. I would put it up with clips or ponytails but Mark was a little unsure about doing her hair. I would come home from work and Ashley's hair was always in her face. We were afraid that it would cause her vision problems.

While my mom came to visit we took her to my hair salon. Mike and Lisa are regular guest at my restaurant and they have owned this salon for over 30 years, What a better place to have it done. Grandma even paid for it a whole $4.

You can see that those bangs needed help....
She did not cry just got really quite and was curious to what was going to happen.

Here we go.................

How pretty.............

I think that she is happy with the results......... Look at that smile and the beautiful new do.

More fun in Clearwater

The next venture was to the beach to watch the sunset and let the kids run around, but mother nature had another plan... rain... so we took the kids to Countryside Mall and let them play in the play area...This is Emmie (Loretta's daughter), Jaxon & McAllyster (Jenee's 2) and my little angel. Such a great picture. Really gives true meaning as a Hallmark moment. (look in the background)

Ashley and Emmie climbed on everything. Ashley is still a little cautious but I let her go and do what she could.

I think she was having tons of fun...... look at that face......

They love playing in the tunnels. You can see Jaxon in there with the babies to make sure they were safe with all the big kids playing in there too.

1st Trip to Chuck E Cheese

After our venture to Lake Seminole the girls took a nap and then it was off to Chuck E Cheese. We met up with Rhonda, Jeff and baby Jefrey. YaYa (Loretta's mom) was there too.

Ashley is looking more and more like her daddy. She loved all the car games and rides. She is a natural. Look at her with her hands at 10 and 2.
She loved the froggie game...... Keep saying more and more after it was over...
Carousel was a hit.. Emmie, Jefrey and Ashley monopolized it for at least 10 times. No one wanted to get off....

I love the Monster Truck... it is mini Thema and Louise...

Ashley and Jefrey went on a motion ride. How much fun..

Monday, March 12, 2012

Lake Seminole Park

I took a trip to Clearwater for my mom's retirement party. Over the weekend I was able to spend some quality time with Jenee and Loretta and all the kids.

Here are some pictures from our afternoon at Lake Seminole Park.