Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Miss you Dad..... 2 years has passed...

Hey Dad

So it has been 2 years since you left us here on earth. I think about you every day. I miss you so much. I just sit sometimes and imagine how you would be with Ashley. She would have so much fun with you. I know you would tease her and make her laugh. Speaking of her laugh… You live on in her. She has your deep hearty laugh. You would be so great with her. Mom keeps telling me stories on how you were so overprotective of me. I guess I got that trait from you. I am “that mom”. Overprotective, super cautious, and I have to have every safety device they carry. Mom teases me that I put Ashley in a bubble.

Anyway, a lot has happened this year. As you know Ashley’s injuries have all healed. Her little heart is fine and she has been cleared. Her Brachial Plexus is fine. She was a very lucky one with that. Again. I question luck…… I think you had a lot to do with healing her. Thank you. Her little head is a little off but we did the helmet and it is much better from the Tortocollis. Mom has spent a lot of time here. Richard gave her an early retirement. She stopped working in Feb. I think it was good for her. She is doing well with it now.

You would be so proud of Mark and how he is with the baby and with helping me. Although I would love to be the “stay at home” mom. I think it works great. Mark still gets to work a little bit while I am home and I think Ashley is more of a “Chill baby” because of it.

We have taken a few trips this year. We went to NC and had an adventure getting there but it was a fun family memory. We have been back and forth to Clearwater a few times.

I drove by your house a few times. It really looks the same as it did when I sold it to Doug. I also wanted to let you know that you have wonderful and true friends in Jerry and Byron. They have not missed a beat with Ashley. They send her cards and gifts all the time. I am trying to arrange a time to meet them. They miss you. Irene is on oxygen but seems to be still getting around with it. She was going on another cruise the last we talked to her.

Well make sure to tell everyone up there with you that I miss & love them all. The memories and photo’s I will share with Ashley. She will get to know everyone who was a part of her mommy’s life.

I love you and miss you. Continue to keep watching over us along with GOD keeping us safe and guiding us in the right direction.

I Love you & Really Miss you,

Your Loving Daughter… Stacy

(Mark & Ashley too!!!)

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