Sunday, May 23, 2010

Due Date.......... May 24th.......

As of my last doctors appointment on Tuesday 5/18, I was still 2 cm and completley thinned out and 100% effaced. He said that I should move my appointment up to Monday. He said he expected me to go into labor before then.....

So I sit here on Sunday night....... Waiting.........Waiting..........Waiting.......

We have walked the neighborhood, played Wii games, eaten spicy foods and I even had Mark's bosses wife Laurelle (who teaches massage therapy) do some pressure points to bring on labor.... Nada.....

Brian who is one of Mark's bosses encouraged me to put my hand up like a slot machine and have my mom pull the handle to see if she could strike it rich...... Since she is good with the slots.... LOL

Back to the doctor at 10 AM in the morning....... Lets see what happens.......

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