Friday, January 28, 2011

8 Months Old...

Where has the time gone?????

She is just growing up way too fast. She is babbling all the time. She loves rolling, scooting and sitting up playing with her toys.

She will stand for a couple of minutes while she holds on to something.

She had her first flu shot last month. She did so well.

We are finished with all therapy and our helmet comes off on Valentines Day....... 3 months of 23 hours a day wearing this device has sure been easy for the most part. She has been so great with it. I think I am going to be more concerned when it is off. It is a great protector for a little one starting to move around. I always hear her hit the side of he crib or roll onto a toy and I don't worry too much because I know she is protected.

Here are her 8 months pictures... I will re post when they arrive. They are too cute to wait so please excuse the watermarks on them.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Crawl...........

She is starting to crawl. We call it the Army Crawl.....

Monday, January 24, 2011

Teeth......I cut my first teeth...1/20/2011

While Grammy was watching Ashley she noticed that her bottom teeth broke through.......

I tried and tried to get a picture of Ashley's first teeth.She does not cooperate so well.
So here she is teething on what ever she can get her hands on.....

Oh and did I happen to tell you that she is sitting up all by herself and loves to play while she is upright.....

She is growing up way too fast....

All dressed up and no where to go....

Mommy found this dress in the closet... She had me dress up for pictures...........

I feel like singing...."I feel pretty oh so pretty......"

Grammy & Papa's Visit

Grammy & Papa came to visit me last week.
It was so much fun. Papa liked to make funny noises and I have a smile designed just for him. I scrunch up my nose show my gums... and I just smile sooooo big...

Grammy played with me everyday. She took me shopping and just gave me all the love I could ever need.

While they were here I got to go out to a fancy dinner again. We celebrated Grammy's birthday.
I loved spending time with them.

I miss you already..

By the way Mommy and Daddy finished my gates. You all really made this home safe for me to explore.

We love you....

Friday, January 7, 2011

Babies Day Out.....

I took Mommy & Daddy out for a day of shopping....It was chillly here today so I got to wear a warm cute sweater dress.. Mommy said it was too cold to just wear the dress so I put on my soft black pants....Look at me...

Monday, January 3, 2011


New Years was uneventful. We just hung out at the house. At noon SPROUT network had a countdown so we watched that and got up and danced, sang and watched Chika. At night Mark worked and I had to work at 8 AM. So we called it a night just after the ball dropped.

We are starting the year off right. We had out monthly Physical and Occupational Therapies this week. On Wednesday Joan released her from her PT for the tortocollis. She said she looks great and is centered and has 100% rotation. I still need to monitor her and stretch her. On Thursday we met with Susan the OT for the fine motor skills related to her arm injury. Now that she is up attempting to crawl she said the weight and muscle tone are great and that her hand rotation and placement is normal. So she released her from OT. Whoooooooooo Hoooooooo!!!!!!

I am so blessed that GOD took care of my little baby girl. I know 100% without a doubt that my Dad was there through everything. He took great care of her and gave me the strenth to get through it. I know that I am a very rare case of spontaneous recovery for the arm injury and that the tortocollis was able to be cured in just 6 months (most cases take anywhere from 1-2 years). I had a team of great therapist who guided us through everything. I will never forget Joan and Susan for all their help.

Ashley's First Christmas

We had a very nice Christmas. Ashley was still a little too young to appreciate what was going on. Santa stopped in and gave her several really nice gifts. Everyone sent her some very nice gifts. Thank you everyone!! We love you and thank you for being so thoughtful.

Mark read Twas the Night Before Christmas and was there to wake her up in the morning. We opened up gifts. She had fun with the wrapping paper so we built a big pile and let her play in it. She had fun riding on her new Dino rider and playing with her phones, blocks, toys and new fluffy stuffed animals. Ashley also got some great clothes and some col shoes. Ashley is growing like a weed so her pediatrician told us she needed a new car seat since she is 30 inches which is the max for her current seat. Santa must have though she was a good girl all year and brought her a new one.

We all opened gifts and had a relaxing day.

Grandma's Visit for Christmas

Grandma made the trip over for Christmas weekend. Ashley had a great time with her while both Mark and I worked. They had sooooooo much fun that when I came home from work Christmas Eve I found the two of them sound asleep.

Grandma brought over some cool stuff..... an over sized stocking, a couple of the bears that she was willing to give up out of her Christmas collection. Ashley also got cute Santa ears... Look how cute my baby looks wearing them.

Grandma also gave Ashley a Frosty book. The book is so cool that Grandma can read the book to her even when she is not here.

Thank you Grandma......We love you.....

Happy Birthday Daddy....

On Mark's birthday we went to Okeechobee Steakhouse which is a really nice steakhouse here is West Palm. It is privately owned and the owners come in my restaurant all the time. It was a great meal. We even took Ashley and she was so good. She ate dinner with us and did not make a peep. We even had a table behind us compliment us on how good she was. This was the first time I think Mark and I got to put out our chest and be proud parents. It was a great feeling.

After dinner we came home and Mark and Ashley opened presents. It was a great day!!!