Monday, January 3, 2011

Ashley's First Christmas

We had a very nice Christmas. Ashley was still a little too young to appreciate what was going on. Santa stopped in and gave her several really nice gifts. Everyone sent her some very nice gifts. Thank you everyone!! We love you and thank you for being so thoughtful.

Mark read Twas the Night Before Christmas and was there to wake her up in the morning. We opened up gifts. She had fun with the wrapping paper so we built a big pile and let her play in it. She had fun riding on her new Dino rider and playing with her phones, blocks, toys and new fluffy stuffed animals. Ashley also got some great clothes and some col shoes. Ashley is growing like a weed so her pediatrician told us she needed a new car seat since she is 30 inches which is the max for her current seat. Santa must have though she was a good girl all year and brought her a new one.

We all opened gifts and had a relaxing day.

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